09 June, 2009

Why People break up and what to do after the break up

There are so many reasons why couples break up. There are many possibilities that may come into that tiny little noggin of yours. There are also a lot of things do after the break up.

There are so many factors and circumstances which might lead to a break up. Factors like work, distance, family and peers or even a third party; and circumstances like religion, family tradition, fixed marriage setups, and the list goes on and on. In any case, we often end up questioning ourselves after the break up. Certain questions like “Is there a chance I can get my ex back?” or “where did I/he/she/we go wrong?” or “what am I supposed to do now?” begin to pop into our head one by one as a form of self evaluation. Break ups will often put people at their lowest and depressing stage in their lives and it will often lead to them doing something drastic or desperate. To cope with a break up, acceptance is always the key technique. Accepting that the WE is now a ME, accepting that you’re now in the pool of bachelors, accepting the fact that you deserve someone better and your partner deserves someone better to are just some of the things that you need to consider after the break up.

Some things aren’t meant to stay together and some things aren’t meant for us to hold on to for a long time, whether it’s in the case of relationships or any materialistic object that we may value in our lives.


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