08 June, 2009

Dating after a break up – Good or bad idea?

Breaking up with someone is always the hardest thing to do. Coping after a break up is a lot harder. As stated in previous articles, there will always be a reason why couples break up.

Sometimes the things people do after a break up end up being stupid and regrettable. Majority would think “I want to get my ex girlfriend back” or “I want to get my ex boyfriend back” the moment they would see their ex with someone else. Now why is this? Often times, the reason for this is that people who have a hard time after a break up find a rebound person or someone that they feel comfortable with or to mask their true feelings and insecurities. Come on, dating after breaking up with your girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t exactly a good idea unless you’re one who quickly jumps up after being down after a break up. Then again, most people aren’t like that. It’s like going into battle with a bullet wound in your leg; you are not at your 100% performance level to get the next guy or girl that comes into your sights. If you have the mentality of “I want to get my ex girlfriend back or I want to get my ex boy friend back” when you see them with someone else, then you are fighting a losing battle, my friend. Deal with the pain of a break up in your own terms, not theirs. Sure there may be chances that they are only dating the girl/guy just to make you jealous but if you look at it from a closer point of view, those that date other people after a break up are just as broken as you are.

Coping after a break up requires patience and effort. If you are the one that can quickly bounce up after a bad break up, then good for you. If not, then you need the time to reassess everything.


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